Club Model Railway - 4 years

At 03.10.2013 Assosiation "Club Model Railway - Bulgaria" turned four years. The event took place in the restaurant in Sofia at 05.10.2013.

For these 4 years we managed to biult beutiful layout in H0 scale. We put the basement for TT layout and created models of few bulgarian stations.

За нашите 4 години успяхме да построим великолепно трасе в H0. Създадахме основите на трасе в TT, както и копия на няколко български гари. For us importabt are also models of bulgarian locomotives recreated by hand of our club members.

We are looking forward to the internationals stage for our  appearance.

Let's wish us fruitful work, new layout in N scale, very pleasant time with our hobby and creative longevity.